Canadian company SnackBox is on a mission. A mission to help people take the pain out of reading endless amounts of ingredient lists.
The Vancouver based company offers a service which delivers a box filled with snacks that are healthy, good for you, and honestly very, very tasty. Our first SnackBox was delivered to our home last month. Included in the kit was a price list of the items in box as well as information on where to buy the products you like.
We chose a new snack to share everyday and loved that we could simply go to the box for snack relief without the guilt. Knowing the items are also nutritious is an added bonus. We both loved this amazing popcorn that was included in the selection.
We didn’t even know there was a healthier alternative to popcorn!
That is essentially the whole point of SnackBox. They have searched for years to compile foods that many of us don’t even know exist.
They introduced us to brands we hadn’t heard of before. Both of us have scoured the shelves at dozens of grocery stores in search for healthy ingredients and snacks. SnackBox took out the guess work in this process. Not to mention saving us the grueling time spent reading nutritional and ingredients list while trapped in a narrow grocery aisle, stuck under fluorescent lighting.
Eating well and incorporating nutritious foods into your diet is so important to feeling and looking good. With the price of healthy and organic options still considerably expensive for some, the SnackBox is a good value. They offer monthly subscriptions and one time purchases. The monthly option offers new snacks on each delivery which keeps you enthusiastic about discovering new, nutritious options. They also boast a 100% money-back guarantee.
To check out more about SnackBox, including pricing, click here. Your health, and your taste buds, will thank us!